Online Degrees Blog at New York Tech

11 Nov 2023
Predictive modeling uses software, statistical analysis, and other tools to estimate the likelihood of a future event or outcome. This approach leverages historical data to predict future outcomes and behavior, enabling organizations to make more informed decisions.
09 Nov 2023
Explore the world of freelance data science, the advantages and disadvantages of contract work, how to become a freelance data scientist in the gig economy, and advice for succeeding as your own boss.
09 Nov 2023
As the threat of cyber attacks grows, data privacy and information security have become more important than ever. Businesses typically have legal and ethical obligations to keep this information private, but that’s easier said than done.
25 Oct 2023
Much like how humans use language to communicate with each other, we can use programming languages to communicate with computers. Programming languages are mainly used in data science, computer science, and engineering, although new use cases are discovered frequently.
24 Oct 2023
In today’s data-saturated world, data science has become one of the most important tools for success. Read this blog to get a better understanding of data science and its applications, as well as some of the specific knowledge areas, education, and job titles associated with data science career paths.
09 Oct 2023
Job postings related to the latest tech trends increased by 15% between 2021 and 2022.1 Current and aspiring tech professionals can prepare for these exciting roles by earning a master's degree in computer science, which has numerous professional and personal benefits.
29 Sep 2023
Learning the right tools and strategies will allow you to navigate the rapidly evolving data science landscape. In this blog, you’ll find expert tips for every stage of your career, from building basic skills to seeking more advanced positions.
24 Jul 2023
With an M.S. in computer science, you will receive the type of education that employers like to see in their new hires. Technical knowledge and skills are highly important, but communication skills and a broader understanding of the world makes you a more thoughtful and collaborative team member.
10 Apr 2023
From a technological perspective, writing devices like ChatGPT are an incredible leap and promising gateway for the future of AI, and specifically, large language models. However, the question on everyone’s mind is: what does it mean for us as humans?
11 Jan 2023
Although computer science and data science are often connected, there are distinct differences between them that can help you determine which career paths, training, and education you should pursue within each discipline.

New York Institute of Technology has engaged Everspring, a leading provider of education and technology services, to support select aspects of program delivery.